Nov. 2016 – Aviation Program for High Schools

One of the key recommendations arising from the Vancouver Island Manufacturing Labour Market Project ( was to enhance “support & promotion of regional manufacturers”. A number of possible ways to attract potential employees to the sector (and thereby address current and anticipated skill shortages) were put forward. One of these included “Providing more opportunities for secondary students to participate in pre-apprenticeship/apprenticeship training related to jobs in the sector”.

An excellent example of this industry / secondary school collaboration is already in place with the district wide “Aviation Program for High Schools”  based at Mt. Doug High School. The program is co-sponsored by Pacific Sky, Viking Air, Victoria Flying School & VI Helicopter’s Group. Curriculum includes courses in Aviation Design, Manufacturing, Systems and Pilot Training.

Enclosed is an audio link ( with a student & instructor being interviewed about the program by the CBC. The future of industry & secondary school collaboration is alive & well on Lower Vancouver Island! 🙂