Canada-BC Job Grant Program – Employer Coordinator

The Canada-B.C. Job Grant is an employer-driven, cost-sharing program that can help you offset the expense of employee training – and boost the effectiveness of your workforce (

The grant covers up to two-thirds of the cost of training an employee, to a maximum of $10,000 per grant.

How can it help me?

The Canada-B.C. Job Grant helps you invest in your workforce and equip your workers with the skills they need to make your business succeed.

You can use the Canada-B.C. Job Grant to upgrade the skills of a current employee or to train a new worker. You can apply it to a range of costs – from exams, textbooks and software to tuition and student fees. And you choose the type of training that best suits your business needs.

The B.C. government will be partnering with organizations to help employers assess skills needs, develop training plans, and assist with grant applications. Harbour Digital Media is one of these organizations and will be responsible for the Vancouver Island Region and the Manufacturing Sector. Download a PDF summary of the program here – CJG Fact Sheet for DPPs – HDM.

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