March 2021 – ĆELÁSET Educated Based Program – Tsawout Nation
At our February 17th First Nations & Industry HR monthly meeting we were introduced to and reviewed the CELASET program being managed and delivered thru a partnership arrangement between Camosun College and the Tsawout Nation in the Peninsula, and funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. ĆELÁSET is an educated based program that enhances participant skills in School academics and for job readiness.
In the program, a participant will engage in Math and English upgrading, as well complete the B.E.S.T program which is Building Employment Success for Tomorrow, this focuses on resume and cover letter writing, interview skills and basic employment regulation overview. A participant will also complete common needed certificates for employment such as; First Aid, Food Safe, Mental Health First Aid, Serving it Right, WHMIS, and Blanket Ceremony and complete 40 hours of work experience.
This program will help a participant explore their future plans in the workforce and continuing education. There will also be First Nations culture and traditions incorporated in the program, learning different skills and learning about living in both worlds as a First Nations person moving forward into the workforce and other education options. Numerous financial benefits are provided for participants including student stipends, school supplies and technology assistance.
Numerous companies participating in the February monthly meeting were eager to help the CELASET managers meet their employment related goals and objectives including providing 40 hours of work experience over a 2 week period. Specific areas of career interest include retail, culinary arts, child & youth care services, education focussed training, healthcare related including nursing and counselling, video game design and development, computer engineering, landscaping and gardening, veterinary work, business administration and social work. For further information please connect with Tsawout CELASET Program manager Lillian Underwood @